Hello, please make sure this question makes it to the band’s ears. I’d really appreciate that! I’m wondering why Salt Lake isn’t on the tour dates list for 2019 either somewhere near the Denver Co date or the Texas dates later in the tour? I’ve seen DT just once back when they came to Kingsbury Hall in 2012 or 13 and have been patiently waiting for them to come back around again. I did get the chance to see John when he stopped by on the g3 tour with Satriani which was incredible! I’m feeling a bit left out here as these guys are one of my all time favorite bands! By the way, what’s with all of the band’s these days promoting freemasonry symbolism? I feel that that and other controlling organizations are the real big issue with our worlds societies. It’s insane! Please, I ask that the band sees or hears my questions first hand. Thank you for your time in receiving my message. God bless and take care.. ❤
With regards to band coming to Salt Lake – that’s 100% up to the promoters in the area. If there’s no promoters willing to bring the band, they won’t be able to go there. It’s actually not up to the band where they tour most of the time.
With regards to free mason symbolism – outside of Rite of Passage, what references are you talking about?