This is a parody entitled “Fly Me To The Glass Moon” which was played as the after-show music to many DT shows. It was performed by Chris Santaniello and Eric Yip and was arranged by Kosaku (last name unknown), who has worked with many DT-related artists including LTE. The following can be found on Kosaku’s website here:
Chris Santaniello is the greatest Frank Sinatra impersonator in the world”,this is how I tell people about him. When we (Kosaku and Chris) were in NYU music technology program we had to do several recording projects and since we were big DT fans we wanted to do DT covers, but since our friend Eric Yip knew the entire Images and Words album, and Chris was such a big Sinatra fan as well, he came up with this great idea of “Frank does DT(swinging DT)”. Chris just went home and arraged everything and came up with the now famous FrankSinatra Fly me to the Glass Moon, but since Eric was such a great guitar player and he could play Petrucci licks in his sleep, we put in the whole DT solo section to show off his guitar greatness. Yes Eric played the entire solo, no punch-ins.
We had our laughs but we weren’t going to do anything with it, but after we graduated and I started to work with Jordan Rudess, I got to meet Dream Theater. Then all I could think of was how to let the guys hear this “Frank Glass Moon”. Time had past and I got to know Mike Portnoy and John Petrucci well from Liquid Tension sessions and “Yes!”, I played it for them. Many of you know already that Mike loved it and wanted to take it with him so he can play it after the show. Chris freaked out and I was very excited about this. We also visited DT in NJ and Chris had such a good time, “I finally get to meet the band I’ve admired most over the last few years, and they’re complementing me? This is weird”-Chris. After few weeks of their tour we started to hear about it on the internet, so we decided to come out and let the DT fans know about us, and here it is – the clip of Frank DT, and hey, we kept going and made a new one too. Now that we have our own little studio set up we can work on it anytime we want instead of using the beautiful and “everything is always operational” NYU Studio A. I hope the world will like this one as well, ENJOY!
There is also another parody entitled “Strangers in the Sand”, done in the same style.