wizard replied to the topic First Topic in the forum Dream Theater 8 years ago
I’m sorry, Faythe Yung, but I told you all that I could on this fantastic album. Just one thing : there was a long time that I haven’t heard melodies so beautiful composed by the band. Sometimes, music tells things stronger than words.
Wilma and
wizard are now friends 8 years ago
wizard replied to the topic First Topic in the forum Dream Theater 8 years ago
“The astonishing” is a fantastic album. John Petrucci and Jordan Rudess created musical themes for differents tharacters of the history ; the melodies and musics are incredible.
In an interview, Jordan Rudess said : “Actually, a DVD of “The astonishing live” isn’t in our projects ; I regret it, because the retranscription of this album on stage…[Read more]
wizard replied to the topic First Topic in the forum Dream Theater 9 years ago
If the subject is “The astonishing”, this album is incredible, first of all because the band deliver us a concept album of more two hours, and also because there are lots of recurrent themes, who come back all along the album. This record is full of magnificent melodies and modulations ; that’s why all themes interlock themeseves perfectly, all…[Read more]
wizard replied to the topic First Topic in the forum Dream Theater 9 years ago
What is the subject for this topic? Excuse me, I don’t understand well.
wizard replied to the topic presentations in the forum General Discussion 9 years ago
Good afternoon. I’m Wizard, from the french YourMajesty’s fan-club. I’m very pleased to rejoin you. Thanks to Noxon to found this new international fan-club. Long life to the Dream Teater World.
wizard became a registered member 9 years ago